Monday 9 July 2012

The shittiest crappiest worst days that seem to just drag on and on

I think Haley James Scott said it right when she said that "the worst days seem to last the longest." We all know what kind of day I am talking about. Maybe you wake up, do your hair, makeup, wear a nice outfit, only for it to rain and ruin your hair, and than you manage to spill your entire overpriced Starbucks latte all over the outfit, not only ruining the outfit, but also wasting your coffee that you paid 10 dollars for. It only gets worse from there. You have a falling out with a friend, or run into someone from high school that you really just want to punch in the face but you have to put on a fake smile and pretend to be delighted to see them (I talk from experience). Whatever your bad day might be made up, they all, pardon my language, fucking suck.

In my case, I am writing this at 3:30 in the morning, wide awake, when I have to be up a 6:00 to catch a bus at 6:40 to work an 8 hour shift at a packaging company where I will be making shit money to put some fucking candy bar in a box (I need the cash). I can already tell this day is gonna be filled with a shit load of shit being thrown my way and as I write this I am okay with it... 

Seriously, I am okay with that... I had a great day today. I spent the day with one of my best friends, Colleen, and we had ourselves a little One Direction party. We watched A Year in the Making, funny YouTube videos, had a whole bunch of laughs, and for dinner I treated myself to sushi. It was an all around great day. Which brings me to why I am okay with having a bad day. Think of the reasoning behind this "You can't enjoy a sunny day without a few rainy ones." Well the same applies to your good days and bad days. I think because we all have our abundance of bad days it helps us enjoy and appreciate the good days...

So I'm okay with having a bad day every once in a while that seems to drag on and on and on! Because I know that one bad day will be followed by 3 good days... Think about that next time you think you are having the worst day possible...



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